Mattchoobob's Blog

Passionately pursuing purity in Christ

Archive for heart

‘Epic Fail’

Our words have power.  We were made to have dominion over all of the earth. We were made in His image. God spoke the earth into existence, and its by His will and for His pleasure that we exist. Because we were made in His image (Gen1:26-27), we have dominion, and since God spoke the earth into existence (Gen1:3,6,9,11,14,20,24,26) we have that same authority in our words.
Psalm 8: 4-6 says

What is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man that You visit him? For You have made him a little lower than the angels, and You have crowned him with glory and honor. You have made him to have dominion over the work of Your hands; You have put all things under his feet.

So the point I’m trying to get at is that what we say has meaning, and effects us whether that be good or bad. We should be speaking life over ourselves, and truth from the Word Of God, daily, all the time. But there are things that we speak over ourselves or just speak out that aren’t necessarily a good thing, even if it’s not a curse word or hurtful words. Things like “epic fail, fail, fml(this one is bad), kill me now(also pretty bad), etc. ”

Instead of speaking bad things or curses over yourself, trying speaking truth from the Word of God. Like, ‘I am a new creation in Christ Jesus’ or ‘I am more than a conqueror through Him who loves me.’

Little things like this will make our days better, especially if we are continually praising Jesus through it all. We won’t buy into the enemies lies about our identity anymore, and we will walk into our destinies and callings without hindrance about who we are in Him.

Also, recently the Lord has been convicting me about my speech. Specifically about words like ‘sucks’ or ‘piss/pissed.’ To our generation, they don’t seem like bad words. But if you were to ask our parents about these words, they wouldn’t say the same things as us. The analogy I believe the Lord gave me while I was driving back to Kansas City about this on Tuesday was that as a nation, we have been desensitized visually with how much sex sells and how much more language and nudity is shown and heard even on billboards, mall ads, commercials, not just movies and music. How do we just let all this slide in America? So again, if we were to ask our parents, even grandparents this time, about how much has changed, if they would have let so much nudity and language through on the radio, tv, movies, music, etc. back even 30-50 years ago, it would be no, everything was a taboo.

Now with all this said, The analogy the Lord gave me was this: Even the little words we speak that, we think might not be that bad, are just as bad as watching soft-core pornography willingly. Think about it.

We have to watch what we say. We do this by carefully censoring what we put into our ear gates and eye gates. Jesus says in Mark 7 that defilement comes from within a man. How does this work? By what we put inside ourselves, because when we’re under pressure, or even just by putting the things inside of us, they WILL come out of us.

When He had called all the multitude to Himself, He said to them, “Hear Me, everyone, and understand: There is nothing that enters a man from outside which can defile him; but the things which come out of him, those are the things that defile a man. If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear!” (Mark 7:14-16)

That’s really it. Hope you think about and take to heart what I have to say. May the Lord bless you and keep you! 🙂